Beyond the Fruit: Litchi Peel and Seeds Undergo Scientific Scrutiny for Medicinal Properties

Shahi Litchi

MUZAFFARPUR – The National Research Centre on Litchi has embarked on research to explore the beneficial properties of litchi peels and seeds. A scientist from the research center has been sent to IIT Kharagpur for training. Dr. Bikash Das the director of the center revealed that litchi possesses various medicinal qualities and the research will focus on identifying the chemicals in the peel and seeds.

Ankit Kumar, a scientist, has been sent to IIT Kharagpur for a three-month training program. During this period he will investigate how to identify and store the chemicals in litchi and process the seeds and peel. Currently there is no specific use for litchi peel and seeds after consuming the fruit.

Research is underway to determine potential applications in the coming days aiming to enhance the income of farmers. If successful litchi cultivation could become a lucrative venture for farmers especially with the increasing demand for medicinal products derived from litchi.

Additionally research has been conducted at the College of Fisheries in Dholi on preparing fish feed from litchi seeds. Dr. Rajendra Prasad from Central University Pusa has already conducted research on the nutritional value of fish feed produced from litchi seeds.

Dr. Das mentioned that after researching seeds and peel the next step is to determine the chemicals present and explore potential uses for them. This comprehensive research aims to contribute to the agricultural and economic development associated with litchi cultivation.