Guest Lecture at Patna Women’s College Explores Media Landscape

Guest Lecture at Patna Women’s College Explores Media Landscape

Patna: The Department of Mass Communication at Patna Women’s College (PWC) organized a guest lecture on Thursday, as part of its Alumni Connect initiative. The lecture, titled “Understanding the Media Landscape: From Where to Begin,” featured Harshita, Assistant Vice-President (Government Advisory) at SK Patodia and an alumna of the 2007-2010 batch, as the guest of honor. The session opened with a welcome address by Roma, Head of the Department.

Harshita shared her extensive experience across various media organizations, offering valuable insights into the skills essential for navigating today’s dynamic media landscape. She also shed light on the current trends and challenges within the media industry, equipping students with knowledge about the opportunities and obstacles they may encounter in their careers. Emphasizing the importance of versatility, she advised students to become “Jack of all and Master of One.”

The lecture was highly interactive, with students actively engaging in discussions about the diverse career paths available in both government and private sectors. The event was well-attended by all faculty members of the department and concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Aprajita Pathak, Assistant Professor of the Department.