ABVP Rally for Change: Demands for Transparency and Better Infrastructure at Purnea University

abvp purnea

Purnea: The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) staged an intense protest over various issues at Purnea University. The ABVP verbally criticized the university administration. University officials and staff were prohibited from the campus, and the protest continued for five hours before being calmed by assurances from the Dean of Student Welfare (DSW) and the Controller of Examinations.

In their statements, ABVP’s university campus president Vikas Kumar and district coordinator Chandan Kumar highlighted several grievances. They criticized the upcoming convocation ceremony for which the university is charging students ₹1500, demanding transparency about what students receive in return. Campus vice president Pawan Kumar Thakur pointed out the poor condition of the university library, noting the lack of seating and non-functional computers, which hinder student work. He called for proper lighting and seating arrangements in the library. The electricity issues in the examination department were also mentioned, as they disrupt many operations.

Ritesh Kumar, ABVP member, stated that students often have to leave the university without completing their tasks due to these issues, emphasizing the need for an immediate generator in the examination department. He also called for the installation of water coolers, but it has not been set up, leaving students struggling for water in the intense heat.

Campus minister Amit Kumar raised concerns about overcharging of female students in the B.Ed college under the guise of CLC fees, calling for uniformity and university intervention.

District health coordinator Raja Kumar insisted on mandatory identification cards for all students in colleges to prevent unofficial entry. He urged that any issues in the examination department be resolved within 24 hours and called for non-teaching staff on each floor of the PG department to assist students in the absence of department heads or professors. Additionally, he demanded regular cleaning of all university and PG department restrooms.

Other ABVP university campus activists, including Ritesh Kumar, Dinkar Kumar, Shubham Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Sarvan Kumar, Roshan Kashyap, Nitesh Kumar, Bunty Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Ayush Raj, Anand Aditya, Kumar Himanshu, Kumar Priyanshu Choudhary, Himanshu Kumar, Prashant Kumar, Virat Singh Rathore, Ashish Kumar, and Devashish Kumar, participated in the protest.