Bihar Agricultural University Celebrates 15th Foundation Day

Bihar Agricultural University Celebrates 15th Foundation Day
Chirag Gupta

Bhagalpur: Bihar Agricultural University (BAU) celebrated its 15th Foundation Day with a two-day conference titled “Innovations and Innovators at the Grassroots in the Transformation of Agricultural Food Systems,” which concluded on Monday. Rural Development Minister, Shravan Kumar, attended as the Chief Guest, planting a tree and inaugurating the Language Lab before the closing ceremony. He also visited stalls showcasing innovations by farmers and observed various agricultural advancements.

The ceremony began with the national anthem and featured several notable guests, including MLAs Narendra Kumar Neeraj, Lalan Kumar, and Lalit Narayan Mandal, as well as Legislative Councilor NK Yadav. Vice Chancellor Dr. D.R. Singh welcomed the guests with bouquets and tokens and congratulated the university’s scientists and workers. He acknowledged the contributions of previous Vice Chancellors, particularly the first Vice Chancellor Dr. Mewalal Chaudhary, and expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister of Bihar for supporting the university’s growth.

In his address, Dr. Singh highlighted the university’s progress, noting that BAU has obtained 14 patents in the past 16 to 18 months. He emphasized the university’s role in generating employment, stating that graduates are securing better jobs and the institution is fostering self-reliance among youth. He also discussed the development of new crop varieties suited to different districts in Bihar and the university’s significant contributions to horticulture.

Minister Shravan Kumar praised the university’s research, education, and extension activities, which benefit the entire state. MLA Lalan Kumar emphasized opportunities for innovation in natural and organic farming and addressed the impact of arsenic and fluoride around Bhagalpur. MLA Narendra Kumar Neeraj stressed the importance of agricultural progress for societal advancement, while MLA Lalit Narayan Mandal called for making university research accessible to farmers.

Outstanding scientists, employees, students, and farmers were honored during the program, and several university-published books were released. The Minister also inaugurated a film on natural farming produced by the university’s media center. Director of Extension Education Dr. R.K. Sohane gave the welcome address, and Dean Agriculture Dr. A.K. Sah delivered the vote of thanks. The event saw the participation of all Deans, Directors, Scientists, and university employees.

The day also marked the fifth foundation day of the university’s community radio station. A large radio set was inaugurated on campus, broadcasting programs 24 hours a day. The radio set aims to encourage the new generation to listen to the radio and highlight its reliability as a medium. BAU currently operates three community radio stations, with a fourth set to launch next month in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Katihar.