Bihar: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar Inaugurates Ganga Water Supply Scheme in Nawada

Nitish Kumar drinks Gangajal in Nawada

NAWADA – Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday inaugurated the Ganga Water Supply Scheme in Paura village of Nawada district. Following the successful implementation of similar schemes in Gaya, Bodhgaya, and Rajgir, the Ganga Water Supply Scheme now extends its benefits to the residents of Nawada’s urban area, providing them with safe drinking water.

The newly constructed Ganga water purification plant in Paura village was inaugurated by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who arrived at the helipad in Paura as part of his pre-determined schedule at 11:30 am. The Chief Minister ceremoniously pressed the remote button to launch the Ganga Water Supply Scheme, symbolizing a momentous step towards ensuring clean water for the people of Nawada.

Key features of the Ganga Water Supply Scheme in Nawada include:

1. Pipeline Expansion: A 20-kilometer pipeline has been laid from Gangaji Rajgriha reservoir to the water purification plant in Paura, facilitating the transport of Ganga water for purification.

2. Water Supply: The scheme, overseen by the Municipal Housing and Development Department (BUIDCO), aims to supply water to every household in Nawada city. In the initial phase, 13,500 houses in 17 wards have received water, with plans to extend the supply to all remaining wards.

3. Capacity: The water purification plant at Paura has the capacity to clean 36 million liters of water per day, ensuring a sustainable and efficient water supply for Nawada.

4. Master Underground Reservoir: A master underground reservoir has been constructed, capable of holding 36 million liters of cleaned water.

5. Electricity Supply: A dedicated electricity sub-station near the water treatment plant in Paura ensures a reliable electricity supply to support the water treatment process.

6. Environmental Impact: The scheme aims to reduce dependence on groundwater, mitigating the exploitation of groundwater resources and gradually improving the water level. This approach aligns with environmental protection goals and contributes to an enhanced overall environment.

Gangajal in Nawada

The inaugural ceremony was marked by Vedic rituals performed by four Acharya Brahmins from Madhubani. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar participated in the puja, offering prayers to Mother Ganga. Additionally, a documentary film showcasing the Ganga Water Supply Scheme was screened for the Chief Minister.

In recognition of their efforts, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar honored several engineers from the Water Resources Department and Irrigation Department who played vital roles in the successful implementation of the Ganga Water Supply Scheme. The Chief Minister conducted a detailed inspection of each unit of the water purification plant in Paura, emphasizing the commitment to ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for the people of Nawada.

Water Resources Minister Sanjay Jha, Nawada district in-charge cum Industries Minister Sameer Kumar Mahaseth, Additional Chief Secretary of Water Resources Department Chaitanya Prasad, and other officials joined Chief Minister Nitish Kumar during the inauguration and inspection.