Bihar Deputy CM Samrat Choudhary Unveils Ambitious Budget Amidst Din in Assembly

Bihar Deputy CM Samrat Choudhary Unveils Ambitious Budget Amidst Chaos in Assembly

Patna: Tension gripped the Bihar Assembly as Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary, donning his hat as the Finance Minister, navigated through a storm of disruption to present the state’s annual Budget on Tuesday. In a tumultuous session marked by uproar from opposition lawmakers, Choudhary unveiled a budget totaling a whopping Rs 2,78,425 crore, setting the stage for a fiery political showdown.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Choudhary, in his maiden Budget presentation as the Finance Minister, outlined a blueprint that purportedly places a premium on education, employment, and economic upliftment. “While I have previously served as a cabinet minister in Bihar, this marks my inaugural Budget address in the role of Finance Minister,” Choudhary remarked amidst the din. “Bihar’s growth rate stands at an impressive 10.4 per cent, the highest in the country. We pledge to cater to all sections of society, evidenced by an 8 per cent reduction in the state’s poverty rate, lifting approximately 2 crore people out of the poverty line,” he affirmed.

Detailing the allocation of resources, Choudhary disclosed significant provisions such as Rs 700 crore earmarked for the student credit card policy, Rs 540 crore allocated for Saat Nischay part 2, and a substantial Rs 46,729 crore apportioned for transportation and communication infrastructure.

Choudhary also underscored the government’s commitment to agricultural reform and bolstering the state’s industrial landscape. “We have implemented a fourth agricultural road map and augmented reservation policies. Additionally, 94 lakh economically disadvantaged families will benefit from our subsidy initiatives. Furthermore, we extend a welcoming hand to investors in the tourism sector and endeavor to attract industries to Bihar,” he asserted.

However, Choudhary’s address was not without its share of disruptions. Opposition lawmakers, representing parties including the RJD, Left, and Congress, unleashed chaos in the Assembly chamber. Shouts reverberated, chairs flew, and the solemnity of the occasion was shattered as dissent erupted into disorder. Despite attempts by Assembly Marshalls to restore order, the cacophony persisted, impeding the proceedings.

Deputy Speaker Maheshwar Hazari intervened, imploring the opposition to desist from disrupting the session. “Let the House function smoothly. There will be ample opportunity for all voices to be heard,” Hazari pleaded. However, his entreaties fell on deaf ears as opposition legislators staged a dramatic walkout, signaling an impasse in the legislative process.