Bihar Dermatologist Dr. Vikas Shankar Triumphs in National Dermatology Elections


Assistant Professor at Patna Medical College Elected Unopposed as National Joint Secretary of IADVL

Dr Vikas ShankarPatna: In a momentous achievement, Dr. Vikas Shankar, a renowned dermatologist hailing from Bihar and serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dermatology at Patna Medical College, has emerged victorious in the recently concluded national elections of the All India Dermatology, Leprosy, and Venereal Disease Association (IADVL). Dr. Vikas has secured the esteemed position of National Joint Secretary, winning the election unopposed.

The national elections of IADVL took place from October 1 to 31, conducted through e-voting/ Dr. Vikas was previously the secretary of the Bihar chapter of IADVL.

As the secretary, Bihar chapter of IADVL, Dr Vikas earned national recognition, receiving the prestigious award four times for outstanding contributions. His leadership was also acknowledged with the IADVL President Appreciation Award.

The news of Dr. Vikas’s election as National Joint Secretary has sparked a wave of pride in Bihar, with congratulations pouring in from various provinces across the country.

Disease experts and well-wishers, including Dr. PK Rai, Dr. S. Mishra, Dr. Sudhanshu Singh, Dr. Madhurendra Kumar Sinha, Dr. Ravi Vikram Singh Sinha, Dr. Abhishek Kumar Jha, Dr. Punkesh Kumar, Dr. R. Madhukar, Dr. Abhijit Jha, Dr. Md. Zeeshan, and many others, have extended their heartfelt congratulations.

Dr. Vikas is expected to assume his post officially during the All India Conference of the IADVL in February 2024.