Bihar Industries Association Annual Function Features Key Discussions on State’s Industrial Development

BIA annual day event at Patna on October 25.

Patna: Bihar Industries Association (BIA) convened its annual function, focusing on the industrial development of the state. The event took place in the association’s hall and was inaugurated by Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, and attended by state industries minister Sameer Kumar Mahaseth.

During his inaugural speech, Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar expressed concerns about the state’s industrial backwardness and its growth potential. He highlighted the role of agro-based industries in Bihar’s industrialization and encouraged the extension of urban facilities to rural areas to create employment opportunities in villages.

“The 13 crore population of Bihar is not a burden but our strength. It requires proper direction. The establishment of industries in villages can provide employment opportunities to the youth, and the BIA can play a pivotal role in this direction,” the governor said.

He added: “Bihar has a wealth of agricultural products, including Jardalu mangoes, makhana, litchi, and more. Many types of industries can thrive here, but we must focus on better marketing and branding. The state has significant tourism potential that can benefit from industrial development.”

The governor further called for the promotion of urbanization for industrial development. “However, I disagree with the notion that it should divert people’s focus to cities, leaving villages deprived of development. It is essential to bring city facilities to the villages and establish agriculture-based industries there while prioritizing eco-friendly industries over wasteful ones,” he said.

BIA annual day event at Patna on October 25.

Industries minister, Sameer Mahaseth, outlined the government’s industrial policies and efforts to boost industrialization in Bihar. He said that, despite previous industrial development, the state had been identified as a consumer state, and steps were being taken to change this narrative.

The program was presided over by BIA’s president, K P S Keshari, who extended a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests, including the chief guest. In his opening address, Keshari underscored the importance of economic and industrial development in the state and put forward several significant suggestions.

He highlighted the need to eliminate regional imbalance as a hurdle to the country’s overall development, strongly advocating for industrialization for development. He further shed light on the government’s efforts in formulating an agricultural roadmap were commended, as it revitalized the agriculture sector. He suggested that a similar roadmap for “industrialization” was necessary for comprehensive development.

He also raised concerns about Bihar’s lagging urbanization and its implications for development, emphasizing the need to expedite the urbanization process to drive development and generate revenue.

The BIA president called for the protection and encouragement of new investments while briefly outlining the association’s programs scheduled for the year, including the rejuvenation of existing working units and visits to industrial areas. The need to include entrepreneurship education in schools and colleges was also discussed.

The event also included the establishment of the Smriti Samman Awards, named after former Presidents and Chairman of the Association. The awards recognized excellence in various industrial sectors in Bihar.

The event was well-attended by members of the BIA, government officials, and representatives from banks, and financial institutions.