Bihar: Jan Suraj to Support Affiliated Individuals in Upcoming Lok Sabha Elections, Says Prashant Kishor

Prashant Kishor

Sitamarhi: As the political landscape in Bihar braces for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Jan Suraj campaign convenor and former poll strategist, Prashant Kishore, unveiled an innovative election strategy on Saturday. Kishore highlighted that while Jan Suraj, not a conventional political party, wouldn’t directly participate in the elections, individuals affiliated with the movement could receive support in their electoral pursuits.

Speaking during his ongoing statewide Padyatra (footmarch) at Sitamarhi, Kishore emphasized that Jan Suraj operates with a distinctive philosophy, underpinned by a commitment to fostering Bihar’s development. He detailed the campaign’s core principles, which involve crafting blueprints for each Panchayat and identifying local individuals who aspire to create fresh political alternatives.

He highlighted the crucial role of local communities in deciding the future course of action, emphasizing that their active participation would be instrumental in charting the path forward. Kishore emphasized the need for collective decision-making and a collaborative approach among the people.

Speaking about recent developments, Kishore cited the example of the MLC elections recently held in five districts where the Padyatra had a significant impact. He mentioned that the decision to contest these elections was taken at the district level by the Padyatra participants.

Afaq Ahmed, an independent candidate supported by Jan Suraj’s members, contested the elections and emerged victorious. “This instance exemplifies Jan Suraj’s grassroots approach and commitment to nurturing new political leadership from within the communities it engages with. As Jan Suraj continues to evolve, it remains focused on creating an inclusive and dynamic platform for change,” Kishor said.