Bihar: Sub Inspector Killed by Sand Mafia in Jamui, 2 Injured  

sand mafia kills police officer in Bihar's jamui

Jamui: A police team in Ropavel village of Garhi police station, Jamui, faced a fatal collision with a tractor laden with sand. The impact claimed the life of Sub Inspector Prabhat Ranjan, a 2018 batch officer hailing from Hajipur while leaving a homeguard critically injured.

The incident took place on Tuesday morning when the police team responded to information about illegal sand mining and transportation in the Garhi police station area. As the team approached Ropavel, a tractor loaded with sand, upon seeing the police, attempted to evade capture, resulting in a tragic accident.

SI Prabhat Ranjan, leading the police action, lost his life in the collision, while a fellow homeguard Jawan Rajesh Kumar Saah suffered serious injuries. The police had received intel about ongoing illegal sand mining activities and had promptly mobilized to address the issue.

Upon signaling the tractor to stop on the road in Ropavel, the driver chose to flee the spot, crushing the police vehicle. Both SI Prabhat Ranjan and the injured Jawan were swiftly transported to Sadar Hospital for immediate medical attention.

SI Prabhat Ranjan succumbed to his injuries during the journey.  

In response to the incident, SP Dr. Shaurya Suman, SDPO Satish Suman, and Headquarters DSP Abhishek Kumar Singh rushed to Sadar Hospital. Multiple police teams have initiated raids to arrest the absconding tractor involved in the illegal sand transportation.

Jamui has been grappling with the persistent influence of the sand mafia, leading to frequent attacks on police teams.