Bihar: Woman Abandoned at Patna Airport by Husband Over Dowry Demand

Bihar: Woman Abandoned at Patna Airport by Husband Over Dowry Demand

PATNA: A woman was left stranded at the airport by her husband, who fled following persistent demands for dowry. The marriage solemnized just a year ago, turned into a nightmare as the in-laws relentlessly pressed for a car worth Rs 20 lakh, subjecting the woman to harassment and emotional distress.

According to the victim’s account, her ordeal began shortly after tying the knot with Priyaranjan Kumar, a resident of the Pipra police station area. Despite a substantial dowry of Rs 55 lakh, comprising Rs 29.5 lakh in cash, household items valued at Rs 7 lakh, and jewellery worth Rs 8 lakh, the in-laws alleged that no dowry had been provided and insisted on the expensive car.

Unable to meet the exorbitant demand, the victim faced escalating abuse and violence from her husband, mother-in-law Anita Devi, and father-in-law Avinash Singh. Matters worsened when the victim’s husband, employed in Bengaluru, relocated her there and continued the harassment, threatening to abandon her if the demanded car was not procured.

On March 3, the situation reached a breaking point when the husband called the victim’s father, demanding the car under threat of abandoning his daughter indefinitely. Subsequently, on April 20, the husband callously dropped the victim at the Patna airport, severing all ties and leaving her stranded.

The victim’s attempts to seek intervention from her family were met with callous dismissal by her in-laws, who denied her father’s visits and callously turned him away, falsely claiming their son was being married elsewhere.

In response to the victim’s plight, a case has been registered at the women’s police station, with investigations ongoing. IO Kusum Prabha affirmed that efforts would be made to counsel both parties and their parents, with legal action to be pursued if necessary.