Bihar’s Political Insight: Prashant Kishor on Rising Above Caste in Voting

Prashant Kishor

PATNA: Prashant Kishor, former poll strategist and Jan Suraj campaign convenor, delivered a significant message while raising awareness about voting rights among the people of Bihar. He highlighted the perception that both leaders in front of the public are considered dishonest, leading voters to base their decision on caste affiliations. Kishor emphasized that if the public perceives someone as honest, they will vote for that person, transcending caste considerations.

Speaking about the voting trends in Bihar, Kishor acknowledged that the people of Bihar, irrespective of caste and religion, voted significantly for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He noted that not a single member of Modi’s caste resides in Bihar, yet the voters believed that voting for Modi would bring about development. However, Kishor pointed out that the actual development by Modi in Bihar is a separate matter.

He stated, “Now Narendra Modi did not work, that is a different matter, but people rose above caste and voted for Narendra Modi.” Kishor estimated that out of a hundred people, 40 to 50 must have voted for Modi and BJP, and these voters were not from Modi’s caste. He underscored that when the public perceives all leaders as thieves, they tend to vote for those of their own caste, emphasizing the need for the electorate to recognize and choose the right candidate.

Addressing his own journey, Kishor shared that he has been walking on foot for fifteen months but the youth of Bihar have been leaving their homes and living outside for 10 to 15 years. Many young people have been away from home for extended periods, working as laborers and only returning briefly during festivals or family events.

Kishor emphasized the sacrifices made by the youth, stating, “Your child has been living outside for fifteen years. Once the child turned twenty, he took his bag and went to work as a laborer. As long as he has strength in his body, he has to stay outside and work as a laborer.”