Diwali Celebrations at IIM Bodh Gaya: Sweets Distribution Drive Spreads Joy and Gratitude

Diwali Celebrations at IIM Bodh Gaya

Patna: In the festive spirit of Diwali, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bodh Gaya organized a special sweets distribution drive as part of its celebrations. The Hostel and Mess Committee of the institute took the initiative to express gratitude to the often overlooked but indispensable individuals on campus, including mess staff, guards, and sweepers.

On Diwali afternoon, students distributed boxes of sweets to the mess staff, guards, and cleaning personnel as a token of appreciation and festive joy. This act not only brought happiness to the recipients but also served as a recognition of the hard work and dedication of these individuals, who play a crucial role in maintaining the disciplined environment of the campus.

As per a statement issued by IIM Bodh Gaya in this regard, this gesture aligns with the institute’s commitment to sustainable development and reflects a sense of social responsibility and inclusivity among its students. The aim is to foster a culture where every member feels valued and integral to the IIM Bodh Gaya community.

Diwali Celebrations at IIM Bodh Gaya

The institute further stated that IIM Bodh Gaya has consistently been involved in various social initiatives, including clothes donation drives and blood donation camps, educating future managers on the transformative impact of even small-scale initiatives. The institute has organized programs such as ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ and ‘Disha’ to raise awareness about cleanliness and personal development within the community.

The institute hopes that this Diwali initiative will inspire similar acts of kindness and generosity, both within and beyond the campus. By creating a ripple effect of positivity and goodwill, IIM Bodh Gaya aims to contribute to a culture of compassion and consideration.