Labour Resources Department Concludes Awareness Drive at Sonepur Fair

Sonepur: The Labour Resources Department concluded its awareness initiative at the historic Harihar Kshetra fair in Sonepur with a closing ceremony held this evening. The initiative aimed to inform the public about various government welfare schemes and ensure their benefits reached the people.
The ceremony was inaugurated by Rajiv Ranjan, special secretary-cum-additional chief executive officer of the Labour Resources Department. Other senior officials, including the district’s assistant director for planning and training, were also in attendance.
Addressing the gathering, Ranjan said: “It is a matter of great pride for the Labour Resources Department that, through this exhibition, we not only promoted the department’s schemes but also made hundreds of people aware of their rights and the benefits available to them.”
He highlighted the participation of six major divisions of the department—Planning and Training, Bihar State Construction and Workers Welfare Board (BOCW), Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM), Bihar Child Labour Commission, Employees State Insurance Scheme, and Labour Wing. The departmental stalls showcased their services and engaged with visitors to raise awareness about employment opportunities, skill development, and workers’ welfare.
Ranjan emphasised the importance of such fairs in connecting directly with the public, understanding their needs, and making schemes more effective. He urged attendees to spread awareness about the programmes in their communities and assured that the department would continue similar outreach efforts.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks from Suresh Kumar Singh, joint director of the Directorate of Planning and Training-cum-mission director of the Bihar Skill Development Mission. Singh praised the efforts of departmental staff and the fair organisers, stating that the initiative succeeded in raising awareness and instilling confidence about government schemes.