Nalanda University Symposium Explores Heritage Restoration and Cultural Preservation

Nalanda University Symposium Explores Heritage Restoration and Cultural Preservation

Rajgir: The School of Historical Studies at Nalanda University, in collaboration with the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), hosted a Symposium titled “Restoring What is Lost: Heritage, Architecture, and Culture” on Friday.

Esteemed speakers for the event included Ratish Nanda, CEO of AKTC India, Dr. Goutami Bhattacharya, Superintendent Archaeologist from ASI, Patna, and Sajjad Shahid, Co-Convenor of INTACH, Hyderabad.

Addressing the inaugural event of this symposium, Vice Chancellor (I) Prof. Abhay emphasized the importance of raising awareness about historical monuments in conservation efforts. He expressed optimism that the partnership with the esteemed Aga Khan Trust would provide scholarly insights and perspectives, enriching the intellectual environment of Nalanda’s academic community.

The Symposium featured insightful lectures and discussions delving into the intricate realm of heritage restoration and cultural preservation. Following the lectures, attendees had the opportunity to engage with a film screening focused on architectural restoration and cultural conservation.

This Symposium served as a platform to explore critical issues surrounding the preservation of India’s rich heritage and cultural legacy. It promises to be an enlightening and enriching event for students and the scholarly community of Nalanda.