Oath-Taking Ceremony Held by SRISHTI Environment Club at Patna Women’s College

Chirag Gupta
Patna: The SRISHTI Environment Club of Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, Patna University, organized an Oath-Taking Ceremony for its newly enrolled members on September 3, 2024, as part of the Season of Creation month. The event began with the welcoming of new members, marked by the singing of the Srishti Anthem.
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury, IQAC Coordinator and Head of the Department of Geography, led the oath-taking ceremony. She emphasized the importance of the SRISHTI Club’s mission and inspired students to become protectors of the environment, referring to them as “warriors of nature” committed to safeguarding Mother Earth.
The ceremony was moderated by Stuti Singh, the Environment and Discipline Secretary of the Student Council for 2024-25. Khushi Kumari, the Joint Environment and Discipline Secretary, concluded the event with a Vote of Thanks. The program was well-organized under the guidance of Meenakshi Mishra, Coordinator of the SRISHTI Environment Club and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography.