Officials Undertake Thorough Inspection of Chhath Ghats Ahead of Festivities in Patna

Authorities Undertake Thorough Inspection of Chhath Ghats Ahead of Festivities in Patna

Patna: The Patna divisional commissioner, Kumar Ravi, and Inspector General of Police, Central Zone, Patna, Rakesh Rathi, led a team of senior officials on a comprehensive inspection of the Chhath Ghats on foot on Friday, assessing preparations for the upcoming Chhath Puja celebrations. The officials, including Municipal Commissioner Animesh Kumar Parashar and Superintendent of Police, Traffic Puran Kumar Jha, meticulously examined arrangements at key sites, providing essential directives.

The focus of the inspection encompassed various critical aspects, including Chhath Ghat preparation, cleanliness initiatives, traffic management, control room and watchtower installations, disaster management protocols, medical facilities, electricity arrangements, loudspeaker setups, CCTV camera installations, and provisions for toilets, hand pumps, and urinals. Commissioner Ravi and IG Rathi offered necessary guidance as they observed each element of preparation.

Municipal Commissioner Parashar briefed Commissioner Ravi and IG Rathi on the collaborative efforts between the Municipal Corporation and the district administration. Superintendent of Police, Traffic Puran Kumar Jha, outlined the traffic management strategy.

Commissioner Ravi expressed satisfaction with the preparations, noting that the Collectorate Ghat-Mahendru Ghat route has seen significant improvements after several years. He assured the availability of basic facilities such as wide approach roads, separate toilets for men and women, clean drinking water, changing rooms, and shelters for devotees. Plans for parking approximately one thousand vehicles at Collectorate Ghat, complete with barricading/drop gate provisions, were also announced.

The Superintending Engineer of the Water Resources Department highlighted a lower water level in the Ganga River compared to the previous year. Commissioner Ravi directed constant monitoring of the water level, emphasizing the installation of protective barricades and signage at all ghats. Dangerous ghats will be marked with red-colored cloth to deter devotees, and clear naming and numbering of watchtowers and protective structures were mandated.

Officials Undertake Thorough Inspection of Chhath Ghats Ahead of Festivities in Patna

Commissioner Ravi and IG Rathi assured readiness of sector officers and sector police officers at the ghats 24×7. They emphasized the establishment of watchtowers, operational control rooms, convenient vehicle parking, loudspeakers, and both permanent and temporary CCTV cameras.

The approach roads to the ghats will be smooth and obstruction-free, with the Municipal Corporation working on enhanced cleanliness and lighting. Special attention has been given to the installation of new street lights in all wards, overseen by a dedicated team. The electricity department will maintain electrical wires around the ghats and approach roads, deploying teams of workers and technicians.

Commissioner Ravi and IG Rathi reiterated that maintaining law and order during Chhath Puja is the government’s top priority. They called for heightened alertness among officials to ensure excellent crowd management, robust security, and efficient traffic control.

Present at the occasion were Sub-Divisional Officer Patna Sadar, Regional Development Officer, Special Officer of Division, Superintending Engineer from the Water Resources Department, and other key personnel.