“Combating Dengue Outbreak – Our Collective Responsibility”


Combating Dengue OutbreakDr Nitesh Kumar

The rapid spread of dengue fever is a matter of grave concern. This debilitating disease poses a significant threat to public health and necessitates immediate action. Dengue is notorious for its life-threatening potential, making timely treatment a paramount necessity. One of the key indicators of dengue’s severity is the decline in platelet counts, underscoring the urgency of addressing this crisis.

Stay Clean and Safe

Prevention is always better than cure, and the first line of defense against dengue is to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. Here are some practical steps to protect yourself and your community:

  • Drain Standing Water: Mosquitoes that transmit dengue breed in stagnant water. Eliminate any water accumulation around your home and ensure that indoor areas remain dry.
  • Cooler Maintenance: If you have a water cooler, consider adding kerosene oil to the water to deter mosquito breeding. Alternatively, regularly change the water to prevent mosquitoes from multiplying.
  • Cover Water Tanks: Keep water storage tanks securely covered to prevent mosquito access and breeding.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: In areas with a high dengue risk, consider wearing clothing that covers your legs and arms, as well as using mosquito repellent to reduce exposure.

Tips to Treat Dengue at Home

While dengue demands professional medical care, there are some dietary and lifestyle practices that can help support recovery:

  • Turmeric Milk: Incorporate turmeric milk into your diet regularly, as it has anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in recovery.
  • Guava and Red Fruits: Consume guava and red fruits like pomegranate and blackberries to boost your intake of essential nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Immunity-Boosting Foods: Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals that enhance the immune system’s function.
  • Leafy Vegetables: Leafy greens are a source of essential nutrients and can contribute to overall health during recovery.
  • Avoid Spicy Foods: Dengue patients should steer clear of spicy foods, which can increase the risk of gastric ulcers and discomfort. A gentle, bland diet is often more suitable for recovery.

Sub- head: Treatment of Dengue According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing, offers holistic approaches to complement conventional treatments for dengue:

  • Basil Water: Drinking water boiled with basil leaves and black pepper at two-hour intervals can support the immune system and overall health.
  • Papaya: Papaya contains enzymes like papain and chymopapain, which promote digestion and can be a valuable addition to the diet of dengue patients.
  • Kiwi: Kiwi is rich in essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and potassium, which can aid recovery.
  • Coconut Water: The hydrating properties of coconut water can help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with dengue and contribute to a patient’s overall well-being.

In conclusion, the dengue outbreak requires a collective response. Personal and community efforts are vital in preventing mosquito breeding, and early treatment is crucial to minimizing the impact of this disease. While medical intervention is essential, the integration of Ayurvedic principles and a balanced diet can complement conventional treatments and contribute to a speedier recovery. Let’s unite in our commitment to stop the spread of dengue and protect our communities from this menacing threat.

(The author is Yoga, Ayurveda and naturopathy expert based at Patna)