Patna Road Rage: Passenger Slaps Driver After Multi-Car Crash On Marine Drive

Patna: A three-car collision on Marine Drive in Patna briefly disrupted traffic after a passenger slapped a driver at the scene. The crash occurred in the Gandhi Maidan traffic police area, with all vehicles traveling in the same lane at the time of impact.
Two people sustained minor injuries in what eyewitnesses described as a sudden chain reaction. Ranjan Kumar, a bystander, said the cars collided one after another, though all occupants escaped serious harm.
Tensions escalated when a passenger in one of the vehicles struck a driver, causing a commotion before police arrived.
Ranjit Kumar, in charge of the local traffic police station, stated that the crash was caused by sudden braking to avoid a motorbike. The abrupt stop led to a pile-up, with all three vehicles sustaining damage.
Police have seized the damaged cars and recorded the incident in the station diary. Further action will be taken if a formal complaint is filed.