Prashant Kishor Criticizes Bihar Leaders Over Youth’s Mistreatment in Other States

Prashant Kishor Criticizes Bihar Leaders Over Youth's Mistreatment in Other States
Chirag Gupta

Patna: Prashant Kishor, the patron of Jan Suraj, has spoken out against the mistreatment of Bihar’s youth in other states, expressing concern over the growing disrespect faced by Biharis across the country. He remarked that Bihar’s people are now often labeled as illiterate, foolish, or merely laborers, turning the word “Bihari” into an insult. Kishor held Bihar’s leaders accountable for this widespread insult to the state’s youth.

Highlighting Bihar’s rich history, Kishor recalled that the state was once regarded as a center of knowledge, with institutions like Nalanda and Vikramshila universities attracting scholars from around the world. He emphasized that Bihar was a land where even gods sought knowledge, and it played a pivotal role in ruling the country. However, he noted that the current state of affairs is a result of poor governance by Bihar’s leaders, leading to a decline in the state’s progress.

Kishor expressed disappointment that the youth of Bihar are now forced to migrate to other states, working as laborers for minimal wages of ten to twelve thousand rupees. He stressed that these young people are not only leaving behind their homes and families but are also subjected to humiliation and mistreatment in other regions.

Through Jan Suraj, Kishor aims to change this system, ensuring that the children of Bihar receive a quality education, so they are no longer subjected to insults or dismissed as uneducated and foolish. He called for a transformation that would restore dignity and opportunities for Bihar’s youth.