Prashant Kishor Unveils Definitive Plan for Jan Suraj Party Formation: “No Ifs, Ands, or Buts”

Prashant Kishor

Patna: Former poll strategist and Jan Suraj campaign convenor Prashant Kishor declared in Madhubani that the Jan Suraj Party is set to materialize soon. Kishor emphasized the need for a new political option in Bihar and underscored that the party’s formation is not contingent on any individual, caste, or family.

The announcement harks back to Kishor’s press conference in Patna on May 5, 2022, where he unequivocally expressed the inevitability of the Jan Suraj Party’s establishment. Kishor clarified that the party’s genesis transcends his individual efforts, urging the people of Bihar who seek an alternative to existing political entities to come together.

During a press conference at Madhubani, Kishor reiterated the data he previously presented, indicating that over 50% of Jan Suraj supporters desires the formation of a new party. The endeavor, he stated, is not confined to his leadership but is a collective effort wherein every supporter discontented with existing parties and leaders can actively contribute.

In a call to action, Kishor urged those inclined towards a new political option to actively participate in its formation. Stressing the inclusive nature of the initiative, he asserted that the Jan Suraj Party’s foundation will be laid by the people themselves. Even a modest participation, he noted, could result in 12 to 13 lakh people across Bihar becoming the founding members of the envisioned political entity.