Rajgir Mahotsav Inaugurated with Grandeur, Showcasing Cultural Riches and Harmony

Rajgir Mahotsav Inaugurated with Grandeur

Rajgir: The historic town of Rajgir came alive with vibrant celebrations as the three-day Rajgir Mahotsav kicked off at the state guest house grounds on Thursday. The inauguration was graced by Finance Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, Rural Development Minister Shravan Kumar, local MP Kaushalendra Kumar, along with other public representatives and officials.

Minister Choudhary, in his inaugural address, highlighted the rich history of Rajgir Mahotsav, an event that has been a cultural mainstay since 1986. Despite Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s absence due to health reasons, he conveyed his best wishes for the event and emphasized its significance in fostering cultural exchange. The Minister praised the festival as an avenue to experience local specialties and underscored its role in promoting unity among followers of various religions.

Rajgir Mahotsav Inaugurated with Grandeur

Acknowledging the meticulous arrangements by the Tourism Department, Choudhary commended the festival for its effectiveness in boosting tourism. Minister Shravan Kumar emphasized Rajgir’s role as a symbol of religious harmony and peace globally. He cautioned against those who seek to sow discord in the name of religion, emphasizing the need for vigilance.

MP Kaushalendra Kumar lauded the Chief Minister’s efforts to revive Rajgir’s ancient history, positioning it as a global tourist destination. Local MLA Kaushal Kishore highlighted the increasing tourist influx as a testament to the government’s commitment to the town’s development. Honorable MLAs of Islampur and Asthawan also addressed the gathering.

Nalanda District Magistrate Shashank Shubhankar extended a warm welcome to the esteemed guests, while Deputy Director of Tourism Pradeep Kumar Gupta delivered the vote of thanks.

Rajgir Mahotsav Inaugurated with Grandeur

The inaugural day featured captivating performances by renowned singers Aishwarya Nigam and Deepali Sahay. The festivities included an all-religion prayer meeting and special presentations by school children, showcasing the cultural diversity and unity that Rajgir embodies. As the Mahotsav unfolds until December 2, it promises to be a melting pot of traditions, promoting Rajgir as a cultural gem and a testament to India’s rich heritage.