Saphala Ekadashi 2024: Why Worshiping Lord Vishnu Today Can Bring Good Fortune

Saphala Ekadashi 2024: Today is the last Ekadashi of the year. If you also want to please Lord Vishnu on Ekadashi and get his blessings, then we will tell you some remedies, which you can definitely do on Saphala Ekadashi.
When does Saphala Ekadashi come
According to the Hindu calendar, the Ekadashi observed on the Ekadashi date of Krishna Paksha of every Paush month is called Saal Saphala Ekadashi. This year the fast is being observed today on Thursday 26 December 2024. Saphala Ekadashi is also called Paush Krishna Ekadashi. It is believed that worshiping Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi on Saphala Ekadashi increases a person’s good fortune.
Stuck work gets completed
There is a belief in Hinduism that if any of your work is stuck then you must do Saphala Ekadashi. According to the Hindu calendar, Saphala Ekadashi is the last Ekadashi of the year 2024.
What are the yogas formed on Saphala Ekadashi
According to the Hindu calendar, Sukarma and Dhriti Yoga is being formed on Saphala Ekadashi on Thursday, December 26. It is believed that in this yoga, by offering some special things to Shri Hari Vishnu Ji, a person gets wealth and happiness.
Which offerings should be made to Lord Vishnu
Bananas offered on Saphala Ekadashi:
It is believed that Lord Vishnu likes yellow things very much. Therefore, on this day, yellow things must be offered to Lord Vishnu. He is pleased by offering bananas.
Coriander Panjiri to Lord Vishnu:
Lord Vishnu likes coriander panjiri very much. In such a situation, it is said that both Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi are pleased with the offering of panjiri. Also, if there are problems going on in your married life, then they also go away.
Yellow sweets:
On Saphala Ekadashi, you should offer yellow sweets to Vishnuji. In this, you can offer gram flour laddus, peda, barfi etc.
Panchamrit Bhog:
Panchamrit has special significance in religious texts. Panchamrit has been described as divine prasad. The worship of Lord Vishnu is considered incomplete without Panchamrit. You have to keep in mind that Panchamrit must contain milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar.
Disclaimer: The remedies/benefits/advice and statements mentioned in this article are for general information only. do not support the things written in this article feature. The information contained in this article has been collected from various mediums/astrologers/panchang/sermons/beliefs/religious texts/legends. Readers are requested not to consider the article as the ultimate truth or claim and use their discretion.