Special Land Survey Begins in Bihar: Landowners Urged to Submit Documents to Avoid Future Complications


Patna: The Bihar government has initiated a special survey of land across the state, requiring landowners to submit essential documents, including a self-declaration form and a detailed genealogy. The survey, which excludes areas within the urban body limits, is being conducted in the revenue villages of all 23 zones of Patna.

The purpose of this survey is to streamline land records and prevent future disputes. Landowners, also known as raiyats, must complete and submit the required forms—Form 2 (Self-Declaration) and Form 3(1) (Genealogy)—to avoid potential issues down the line. The survey is a phased and time-bound process, and failure to provide these documents could result in complications related to land rent, transfer, and sales in the future.

To facilitate the process, a Special Survey Assistant Settlement Officer has been appointed in each zone. These officers, along with the Assistant Settlement Officer (Headquarters) and the In-charge Settlement Officer, are available to provide assistance and information to the landowners.

Steps to Submit Documents:

Landowners must visit the Directorate of Land Records and Measurement’s official website at https://dlrs.bihar.gov.in. On the website, they should navigate to the services related to the special survey and fill out the details of their land in the provided forms.

Key Documents Required:

1. Date and Year of Death of Deceased Jamabandi Raiyat: This information is crucial to establish the timeline of ownership.  

2. Details of Jamabandi Number, Land Revenue Receipt Number, and Year: These details help in the identification and verification of the land in question.

3. Copy of Khatian (if available): This document, if available, serves as an important record of land ownership.

4. Details of Documents Related to the Claimed Land: Any legal documents or records related to the land should be submitted for verification.

5. Order of a Competent Court (if applicable): If there is a court order related to the land, the original copy must be provided.

6. Certificate of the Applicant’s Interest Acquirer: A document confirming that the applicant is the rightful heir of the deceased.

7. Photocopy of the Applicant’s Aadhar Card: To verify the identity of the applicant.

8. Photocopy of Voter ID Card: Another form of identification to corroborate the applicant’s identity.

The District Settlement Officer emphasized that the survey is conducted under the Bihar Special Survey and Settlement Act and Rules, which will form the basis for future land-related transactions. Landowners must ensure that their land is free from title disputes and that their occupation is peaceful. The genealogy submitted should reflect the rightful succession and division of the land, ensuring that the correct details are entered into the Right of Records.