Sushant Singh Rajput’s Spirit Communicates: Sister Reveals Brother’s Guidance in Finding Lost AirPods and Music Selections in Car

Sushant Singh Rajput's Spirit Communicates: Sister Reveals Brother's Guidance in Finding Lost AirPods and Music Selections in Car

Patna: Shweta Singh Kirti, the sister of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, recently shared deeply personal insights into her spiritual journey and the enduring connection she feels with her brother even after his passing. In a candid conversation on Preetika Rao’s podcast, Kirti delved into her experiences of coping with the loss and the profound sense of presence she continues to feel.

Reflecting on their bond, Kirti described their relationship as “cute,” emphasizing their close age proximity, which fostered a unique kinship akin to twins. “I have felt his presence a lot of times,” she shared, reminiscing on their shared moments and the fond memories they created together.

Kirti recounted a poignant incident following Sushant’s demise, where she misplaced her AirPods, only to hear a soft whisper, reminiscent of her brother’s voice, guiding her to their location behind a curtain on the window sill. She described this experience as a comforting affirmation of their enduring connection, dismissing any notion of spookiness surrounding their communication beyond the veil of death.

Delving deeper into their spiritual inclinations, Kirti revealed Sushant’s devotion to Lord Shiva, emphasizing his profound faith and spiritual journey. She shared her belief in meditation and frequent visits to religious sites, underscoring the solace she finds in these practices.

Recalling moments of solace and connection, Kirti spoke of dreams where Sushant visits, offering comfort and reassurance. “If Sushant wants to tell you that he is present around you, then he will keep doing something or the other, which will make you feel that you can feel him,” she remarked, underscoring the subtlety of their continued interaction.

Further, Kirti disclosed a dream where she witnessed her brother’s serene presence alongside Lord Shiva in Kailash, signifying a sense of peace and contentment in his afterlife journey.

In sharing these intimate experiences, Kirti emphasized the enduring bond she shares with her brother, a testament to the purity of his soul and the profound impact he continues to have on her life. As she navigates the complexities of grief and remembrance, Kirti finds solace in the belief that Sushant’s spirit remains intertwined with her own, guiding her through life’s journey.