Teacher’s role crucial in early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders, says Dr Astha Sharma at PatnaPress event

Teacher’s role crucial in early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders, says Dr Astha Sharma at PatnaPress event

Patna: As mental health disorders continue to rise globally, the role of teachers in identifying and addressing neurodevelopmental challenges is becoming increasingly important, said Dr Astha Sharma, a leading psychiatrist, at a panel discussion organised by PatnaPress to mark Teachers’ Day on September 5.

Speaking at the event, Dr Astha highlighted the significance of teachers being aware of early symptoms of disorders like Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and specific learning disabilities (SLD). “The school years are critical for a child’s development. Teachers need to be vigilant and trained to recognise early signs of neurodevelopmental issues,” she explained.

Dr Astha, who is a former senior resident in psychiatry at UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi, shared her personal experience, reflecting on how her early schooling had a profound impact on her confidence and future success. “The confidence I gained during my school years has helped me a lot in later stages of life,” she said, drawing attention to the pivotal role teachers play in shaping a child’s growth.

Emphasising the importance of communication, she noted that both verbal and non-verbal cues are essential to understanding students’ needs. “It is crucial for teachers to be able to communicate effectively with every pupil,” she said.

Addressing the mental health needs of teachers, Dr Astha pointed out the growing issue of burnout among educators. “Teacher mental health is just as important as that of students. There should be a platform within academic institutions where teachers can express their workplace challenges,” she added, stressing the importance of professional support mechanisms for teachers to combat burnout.

In response to a question on the role of parents in the educational process, Dr Astha advocated for the introduction of parenting programmes within school curriculums, highlighting the collaborative role of teachers and parents in a child’s development.

The panel discussion, organised by PatnaPress, brought together a diverse range of experts to explore the evolving role of educators in the 21st century. Topics such as mental health, educational reform, and the integration of technology in classrooms were key areas of focus, making the event a thought-provoking and insightful conversation on the challenges and opportunities in modern education.