Engineers Directed to Ensure Smooth Traffic During Rainy Season: Bihar Deputy CM

Engineers Directed to Ensure Smooth Traffic During Rainy Season: Bihar Deputy CM
Chirag Gupta

Patna: In anticipation of heavy rainfall and potential flooding in various areas of the state, Deputy Chief Minister and Road Construction Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha has instructed departmental officials to prioritize the maintenance of smooth traffic flow on all departmental roads.

Engineers have been directed to prevent water-logging on roads and to ensure that regular maintenance is conducted to avoid erosion of road flanks during heavy rainfall. Manholes on these roads must remain covered to prevent accidents, and strict adherence to these measures is expected.

Sinha emphasized the need for swift repairs to any road damage caused by heavy rains. The department’s Control and Command Center will continuously monitor the situation to ensure prompt action. Ensuring smooth traffic flow for the public remains a top priority, despite the state’s limited resources.