Labor Welfare Day Celebrated in Patna on Vishwakarma Puja

Labor Welfare Day Celebrated in Patna on Vishwakarma Puja
Chirag Gupta

Patna: The Labor Resources Department marked Labor Welfare Day on the occasion of Vishwakarma Puja at the Dashrath Manjhi Labor and Employment Study Institute in Patna. Secretary Deepak Anand inaugurated the event, with Labor Commissioner Ranjita, senior officials, factory managers, and laborers from the unorganized sector in attendance. The event celebrated the contributions of workers and emphasized the need for their welfare through various government schemes.
During his address, Anand highlighted the significance of Vishwakarma Puja, symbolizing the industrious spirit of workers. He stated that the Labor Welfare Day was organized to honor the workers and ensure their welfare. He reiterated the department’s commitment to enhancing the lives of workers by focusing on their health, safety, and rights. Anand revealed that last year, a grant of around Rs 3 crore was provided to migrant workers from Bihar, and the department is currently running 16 different welfare schemes for workers.
He further stressed the need for increasing the registration of workers in these schemes and instructed officials and employers to ensure that information about the welfare programs reaches every laborer. Despite significant efforts, many workers remain unaware of the benefits they are entitled to. Anand urged the use of communication channels like social media to spread awareness and ensure that all workers benefit from these schemes.
A key concern raised by Anand was the issue of child labor, which he described as a serious offense. He emphasized that strict action should be taken to enforce the Child Labor Prohibition Act. Protecting the rights of children and ensuring that no child is forced into labor was a priority. The Secretary also called for providing basic rights and dignity to all workers, and ensuring that the labor community receives the respect and security they deserve.
Labor Commissioner Ranjita, in her address, praised the efforts of the laborers and emphasized that improving the physical, mental, and moral conditions of workers directly contributes to their productivity. She mentioned that the department is actively working towards eliminating child labor, ensuring minimum wages, and supporting inter-state migrant workers. Ranjita stressed that providing better facilities and social security creates an environment where workers feel secure and can contribute to the growth of the state and the nation.
As part of the celebrations, the Factory Inspectorate of Bihar honored 135 workers from 13 factories for their exemplary contributions. These workers were recognized for their dedication and hard work in their respective fields, setting a standard for others to follow. The awards were distributed by the Labor Commissioner and other special guests.
In addition, grants were distributed to beneficiaries under various schemes run by the Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. The event concluded with a renewed commitment from the Labor Resources Department to continue working for the welfare of workers and ensure that they receive the benefits and support they need for a better quality of life.