BAU Scientist Joins as Head of Agriculture Science Centre at Bhagalpur

Agriculture Science Centre, Bhagalpur


Patna: In a significant development at the Bihar Agricultural College, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, formerly Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist in Animal Husbandry, has taken on the role of Senior Scientist and Head at the Agricultural Science Center in Bhagalpur. The transition was marked by a warm welcome from the former head, Anita Kumari, who greeted Dr. Kumar with a bouquet of flowers.

The handover ceremony was attended by the entire complement of scientists and staff at the center, who collectively extended a heartfelt welcome to the new Senior Scientist and Head. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie as assurances were made to collaboratively propel the center’s work into the future.

Dr. Kumar wasted no time in assuming his responsibilities, promptly convening a meeting with all scientists and staff. During the meeting, he emphasized the importance of teamwork and issued directives to ensure the timely completion of the center’s objectives. Of particular focus was the Climate-Friendly Agriculture Program, a crucial initiative that Dr. Kumar urged the team to expedite by organizing camps efficiently.

Following the assumption of his new role, Dr. Kumar, along with the workforce and scientists, paid a visit to the Honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr. D.R. Singh. In a gesture of respect and admiration, they presented him with a bunch of flowers and sought his blessings. Additionally, Dr. Kumar met with the Director of Extension Education and the Principal of Bihar Agricultural College in Bhagalpur, receiving their blessings as well.