Bihar: CSUB Legal Aid Clinic Raises Awareness on Human Rights for School Children


GAYA – On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the Legal Aid Clinic under the School of Law and Governance at Central South Bihar University (CSUB) conducted an awareness campaign on human rights at Fatehpur School near the university campus.

Dr. Surendra Kumar, Coordinator of the Legal Aid Clinic, stated that the objective of the program was to educate school children about their rights and responsibilities, fostering awareness and empowerment regarding human rights. The awareness campaign included various aspects of human rights such as education, health, and the rights of children to empower them. Dr. Kumar emphasized the importance of reading, playing, and having meals as invaluable rights that cannot be taken away from children.

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Prof. S.P. Srivastava, Head and Dean of the School of Law and Governance, highlighted the significance of raising awareness and understanding about human rights. The program concluded with an interactive session where students actively participated, asking practical questions about their rights to members of the CSUB Legal Aid Clinic and gaining insights into various legal concepts. The positive energy and enthusiasm displayed by the students contributed to the success of the program.