Bihar: Education ACS Dr. S. Siddharth’s Impromptu Interaction with Students Garners Praise

ACS education Dr Sidharth

Patna: Dr. S. Siddharth, the Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) of the Bihar Education Department, engaged with students to learn about their studies and school life. The students shared details about their educational progress at school.

As the school day ended, children were seen heading home with their backpacks slung over their shoulders near Vikas Bhawan, close to the State Secretariat in Patna. A car suddenly halted in front of them, with Dr. Siddharth on his way to the Education Department. Noticing the children, Dr. Siddharth, who had been at a school inspection earlier that day, approached them.

Initially taken aback, the students introduced themselves as Akshay and Subhash, both from a local primary school, clad in their school uniforms. Dr. Siddharth, evidently impressed by their uniforms, stopped to inquire about their classroom experiences.

The children expressed satisfaction with their education, describing it as of good quality. Dr. Siddharth even took a moment to review one child’s English homework notebook.

Onlookers near Vikas Bhawan commended Dr. Siddharth’s dedication to children’s education. Since assuming his role as the Additional Chief Secretary of the Education Department, Dr. Siddharth has encouraged officials to engage with students during school inspections. He has also advised them to interact with parents, believing it would help identify and address any issues affecting the students.