Chhath Puja: Kharna Ritual Brings Together Tradition and Modernity

Kharna Ritual Brings Together Tradition and Modernity
Shailja Jha

Patna: In a tranquil corner of Patna, bathed in the first light of the Sun God, women adorned in traditional attire congregated on the Ganga riverbanks to observe Kharna, a significant ritual during the auspicious Chhath Puja. Kharna, a form of spiritual fasting, holds profound cultural and religious importance, attracting women from diverse communities to partake in this age-old tradition.

This year, Patna witnessed a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity, as young professionals, students, and homemakers actively engaged in the fasting ritual. The riverbank transformed into a generational melting pot, contributing to the vibrant cultural tapestry.

Kharna, the festival’s second day, entails a rigorous fast commencing at sunrise and concluding with the next day’s sunrise. Primarily observed by married women seeking the prosperity of their families, the fasting ritual involves the preparation of special dishes, known as prasad, offered to the Sun God at dawn the following day.

Kharna Ritual Brings Together Tradition and Modernity

Throughout the day, women meticulously crafted the prasad, including the traditional kheer, which holds symbolic significance. Anticipation grew as devotees eagerly awaited the moment to offer their prasad to the rising sun, marking the end of the fasting period.

PatnaPress spoke with several women fervently observing Kharna. Madhuri Sinha (45), a homemaker and mother of two, expressed the profound meaning of Kharna. “Kharna is not merely a fast; it is a sacred vow for the health and prosperity of our loved ones. The preparation involves strict adherence to traditional recipes, and the atmosphere is charged with devotion and positive energy,” shared Madhuri.

Madhuri Sinha Kharna, with its spiritual, traditional, and communal elements, remains a cherished celebration for its observers. It serves as a reminder of cultural richness and the enduring spirit of devotion characterizing the Chhath Puja festival. “We involve the children in the preparations, making it a learning experience for them about our culture and traditions. The excitement in their eyes when they offer prasad is priceless,” added Madhuri.

Kharna transcended a solitary spiritual journey to become a communal celebration. Families and neighbors gathered to support one another, reinforcing the sense of community at the heart of Chhath Puja.

Smita SinghSmita Singh (46), a homemaker and local resident of Saguna, emphasized the spiritual aspect of Kharna. “Just like every year, we are celebrating Kharna with the same enthusiasm and devotion. We make Kheer from jaggery and chapattis on the handmade mud-stove, ensuring the prasad is made in the purest form. Chhath Puja is about the sanctity and purity of Sun God, so we follow all the steps in a clean and pure manner,” shared Smita.

As the women engaged in ritualistic preparations for the prasad, the air filled with the aroma of freshly cooked kheer, the traditional dish during Kharna. “Kheer symbolizes purity, and offering it to the Sun God signifies our gratitude for the life-sustaining energy he provides,” concluded Smita.