Danapur Diara Residents to Rely on Boats as Pontoon Bridge Removal Looms

Danapur Diara Residents to Rely on Boats as Pontoon Bridge Removal Looms

Patna: Starting June 18, residents of Danapur Diara will once again depend on country made boats for transportation, as the pontoon bridge—considered the lifeline of Danapur Diara—is set to be dismantled. The authorities have issued instructions for its removal.

Scheduled for June 15, the dismantling of the pontoon bridge could occur any day after this date. According to the contractor, the bridge is expected to be removed on June 18. Once the pontoon bridge is dismantled, country made baots will be the sole means for Diara residents to travel to Patna.

Preparations for the removal of the pontoon bridge are underway. The dismantling will sever the direct connection between Danapur and the seven panchayats of Diara, leaving country made boats as the only transportation option. This annual procedure coincides with the rising water levels of the Ganga, which typically begin around the onset of monsoon.

However, local residents argue that the water level has not yet risen significantly. They express concerns that the removal of the pontoon bridge will disrupt transportation, causing inconvenience. After the bridge’s removal, residents will have to wait for ferries at various ghats, including Old Panapur.

The dismantling of the bridge will affect the connectivity between several panchayats, including Puranipanapur, Kasimchak, Hetanupur, Ganghara, Manas, and Patlapur in Danapur, as well as Akilpur Panchayat in Saran.