DM Inspects Gandhi Maidan Preparations for Independence Day Celebrations

DM Inspects Gandhi Maidan Preparations for Independence Day Celebrations
Chirag Gupta

Patna: District Magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh on Sunday inspected Gandhi Maidan and reviewed preparations for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. He conducted a comprehensive review meeting at the venue, covering aspects such as cleanliness, barricading, seating arrangements, traffic management, parking, electrical arrangements, parade and rehearsal, drinking water, first aid facilities, fire fighting arrangements, loudspeaker arrangements, display of tableaux, invitation cards, and law and order.

Singh emphasized that the 78th Independence Day celebrations will be held with full dignity and grandeur across the district, with the main state function at Gandhi Maidan. The entire area has been divided into four zones, each managed by senior officers at the level of Additional District Magistrate to ensure smooth execution of tasks.

The Executive Engineer of the Building Construction Department has been tasked with ensuring strong barricading as per the approved map and repairing entry gates and pathways. Proper seating arrangements are being coordinated by the Nazarat Sub-Collector and Additional District Magistrate, Law and Order, to ensure all attendees can easily find their designated places.

The Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) and Electricity Works Division are responsible for maintaining all high mast lights around Gandhi Maidan and ensuring a reliable electricity supply. The joint parade and rehearsals, coordinated by the Senior Superintendent of Police, will involve 19 contingents, with rehearsals continuing until August 13. Necessary public facilities, including toilets and drinking water, will be available throughout the rehearsals.

DM Inspects Gandhi Maidan Preparations for Independence Day Celebrations

PMC is tasked with cleaning Gandhi Maidan and ensuring proper drainage. The Public Health Engineering Department will provide water tankers and water ATMs, while medical teams with necessary equipment and ambulances will be stationed at temporary medical centers for first aid.

Firefighting squads will be on standby, and three announcers have been deputed for the event. The Superintendent of Police, Traffic, along with the District Transport Officer, will manage traffic arrangements, with a detailed traffic plan to be published in newspapers to inform the public about alternative routes.

The Deputy Development Commissioner, Deputy Collector of Nazarat, and District Public Relations Officer will handle the display of tableaux, while law and order will be maintained through a joint effort by the Additional District Magistrate, Law and Order, and the City Magistrate. Invitation letters will be sent to guests, and a traffic control room will be established. Singh emphasized the importance of excellent crowd management, strong law and order maintenance, and smooth traffic management, urging all officers to complete their tasks promptly and efficiently.