Environment and Urban Development Departments Unite for Making Patna Greener

Environment and Urban Development Departments Unite for Making Patna Greener
Chirag Gupta

Patna: In a significant step towards making Patna greener, a meeting was held to discuss intensive plantation and beautification across the city. The meeting was attended by senior officials including the Principal Secretary of the Urban Development and Housing Department, PCCF (Human Resources), PCCF (Development), RCCF Patna, the Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) Commissioner, the Managing Director of BUIDCo, and the Member Secretary of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board.

During the meeting, the ministers of both departments resolved to plant trees extensively throughout Patna to increase the green cover. This initiative includes surveying and selecting sites in all wards, ensuring the maintenance and protection of planted areas, and conducting plantation activities along Marine Drive (Ganga Pathway) with necessary fencing. Joint inspections will be carried out to oversee these activities.

The officials also decided to upgrade all parks in Patna according to their requirements. The Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change will provide saplings for plantation, and if funds are provided by the Urban Development and Housing Department, they are ready to undertake the plantation work. Given the rapid urbanization in Patna, where new buildings, apartments, and malls are being constructed daily, the Municipal Commissioner of PMC was tasked with ensuring compliance with the Urban Development Rules, which mandate 5-10 percent tree plantation in new constructions. Inspectors will check both new and existing buildings and hold meetings to instruct them on tree planting.

Additionally, the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change may be given the responsibility to survey and develop ponds and wetlands in the city, with funding considerations being discussed. A follow-up joint meeting is scheduled for July 27, to review the progress of the resolutions made in this meeting. The officials from the concerned departments will prepare and present their reports on the implementation status of the agreed-upon initiatives.

Environment and Urban Development Departments Unite for Making Patna Greener