Jan Suraaj Will Dominate Bihar in Six Months, Says Prashant Kishor

Jan Suraaj Will Dominate Bihar in Six Months, Says Prashant Kishor
Chirag Gupta

Patna: Kishor, the patron of Jan Suraaj Abhiyan, has made a significant statement ahead of the official formation of the Jan Suraaj party. Kishor announced that in six months, Jan Suraaj will be the dominant force across Bihar. He emphasized that despite ongoing challenges, the momentum is building in their favor.

Kishor explained that the movement began when people in Bihar were skeptical about any meaningful change. For the past two years, his team has been walking across the state, engaging with the public. He acknowledged the criticism but stood firm in his belief that progress is being made. According to him, those who once doubted now see Jan Suraaj as the only viable option for improving Bihar.


With 15 months still ahead, Kishor urged supporters not to panic. He revealed that the party will officially be formed on October 2, marking a new phase in their efforts. Kishor also added that while their campaign has yet to begin, the groundwork has been laid through extensive outreach.

He concluded by saying that after six months, Jan Suraaj will be visible everywhere in Bihar, from homes to public spaces. The focus now is on party formation, with a more intensive campaign to follow after the official launch.