Road Accident Statistics in Bihar Unveiled by ‘Accident in India 2022’ Report

Accident in India 2022

In a comprehensive analysis based on the ‘Accident in India 2022’ report, PatnaPress brings forth findings regarding road accidents in Bihar. The report sheds light on the state’s position in terms of road accidents, casualties, and the collective efforts aimed at improving the situation.

  1. Bihar Ranks 14th in Total Road Accident Cases Nationwide

Bihar has been placed at the 14th position in the country when it comes to the total number of road accidents.

  1. Bihar’s Road Accident Rate Per Lakh Population is Remarkably Low

A stark contrast emerges when considering the road accident rate in Bihar, which stands at 8.6 accidents per lakh population, while the national average is significantly higher at 33.5. This positions Bihar at the 34th rank nationally.

  1. Road Accidents Per 10,000 Vehicles and 10,000 km of Road

The report also highlights Bihar’s performance concerning road accidents in 2020. The state reported 11.7 road accidents per 10,000 vehicles, whereas the national figure was 15.4. This places Bihar at the 21st position in the country. Additionally, Bihar recorded 335.6 road accidents per 10,000 km of road in 2019, compared to the national figure of 841.3, positioning the state at 26th place.

  1. High Number of Deaths in Road Accidents

Bihar ranks 7th in the nation in terms of road accident-related fatalities. Additionally, it ranks third in the number of vehicles per 10,000 population and second in terms of total vehicles. Authorities have been focusing on improving these statistics by coordinating the efforts of various departments, including road construction, health, transport, and police. Initiatives such as the Dial 112 emergency service, ambulance number 108, and ambulance number 14-8K48 have been implemented to address the issue.

  1. Correspondence Regarding Accident Percentages and Death Rates:

According to the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), road accidents on NHs account for 78.4% of the accidents, with a corresponding death rate of 77%.

  1. Pedestrians and Two-Wheeler Riders at Risk

Accident in India 2022

Around 75% of accident victims on NHs in Bihar are pedestrians and two-wheeler riders. Authorities are enforcing helmet rules to mitigate these risks.

  1. Addressing Main Causes of Road Accidents

Accidents on NHs in Bihar are often attributed to factors such as overloaded vehicles and vehicles travelling in the wrong direction. Authorities are introducing a plan to address these issues.

  1. Hit and Run and Head on Collision Contribute to Accidents:

Around 27% of the total road accidents in Bihar are linked to Hit and Run, with a corresponding death rate of 28.5%. Additionally, Head on Collision is a significant factor contributing to accidents.

  1. Gender and Age Disparities in Accident Fatalities

The report reveals that approximately 80% of accident victims are men, with 61% of them falling within the age group of 18 to 45 years.

Accident in India 2022



The ‘Accident in India 2022’ report brings to the forefront the pressing need for comprehensive measures to enhance road safety and reduce accidents in Bihar, as well as the concerted efforts of the government and various departments to address this critical issue.