Scuffle between Anganwadi workers and police in Patna: Protestors block Dakbunglow Crossing

Scuffle between Anganwadi workers and police in Patna: Protestors occupy Dakbungla intersection

Patna: For the second consecutive day, Anganwadi workers maintained their protest in the heart of Patna, with the rallying point at the Dakbungalow Crossing. As early as 9am, these workers, predominantly women, congregated to voice their demands, and their numbers swelled into the thousands.

Up until 2pm, the police had set up barricades at the Dakbungalow intersection, preventing any further progress by the demonstrators. A minor confrontation between the police and the protesters erupted after 2pm, resulting in the complete occupation of the Dakbungalow Crossing. Notably, Anganwadi workers even prevented the vehicle of a Patna High Court judge from passing through.

Women participating in the protest persistently strive to advance toward encircling the assembly. During these attempts, clashes with the police have occurred, including pushing and shoving incidents.

In anticipation of the demonstration, stringent security measures have been implemented, with a substantial police presence. Law enforcement authorities are making continuous efforts to engage with the protesters and address their concerns.

Anganwadi workers have made it clear that they will continue their protest until their demands are acknowledged, regardless of any potential use of force by the administration.

This demonstration centers around a five-point demand, including a fivefold increase in the status of government employees and their honorarium. Women protesters claim that the government has reneged on its commitments to them.

In Bihar, approximately 10,000 workers from around 5,000 Anganwadi centers have been on an indefinite strike since September 29, pressing for their demands to be met.