Two Youths Missing After Drowning During Ganesh Idol Immersion in Patna

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Patna: Four youths drowned in the Ganga River during Ganesh idol immersion at Damrahi Ghat in the Malsalami police station area of Patna City. While local residents managed to save two of the youths, two others are still missing, prompting a search operation by authorities.

The incident occurred when four young men from Chaintola entered the river for the immersion ceremony. The strong current of the Ganga soon overwhelmed them, causing all four to struggle in the water. Onlookers acted quickly and successfully rescued two of the individuals.

However, the remaining two youths, identified as Anshu Kumar (20) and Manglesh Kumar (22), were swept into deeper waters and are still missing.

Police station in-charge Rajkumar Singh confirmed the details, stating, “The youths were caught in the strong current during the immersion. Local people were able to save two of them, but two others went missing and efforts are underway to locate them.”