Anti-Ragging Week at Patna Women’s College Promotes Awareness Among Students

Anti-Ragging Week at Patna Women’s College Promotes Awareness Among Students

Patna: Patna Women’s College continued its Anti-Ragging Week on Tuesday, focusing on fostering a safe and inclusive environment for students. On the second day of the week-long event, first-semester students from both undergraduate and postgraduate programs participated in an important exercise by filling out an Online Anti-Ragging Affidavit form. This affidavit serves as a formal commitment from students and their guardians to oppose and prevent ragging within the institution.

The observance of Anti-Ragging Week underscores the college’s dedication to creating a secure atmosphere where students can thrive without the fear of harassment or intimidation.

As part of the ongoing activities, Wednesday will see students engaging in creative competitions, including slogan writing, poster making, logo designing, and essay writing across various departments. These competitions aim to encourage students to express their stance against ragging and contribute to a culture of respect and safety on campus.

The week will culminate on August 17 with an Anti-Ragging orientation workshop designed for both teaching and non-teaching staff. This workshop will serve as a crucial platform to reinforce the college’s zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and ensure that all members of the college community are aligned in their efforts to maintain a supportive educational environment.

The initiatives taken during this week are expected to significantly raise awareness about the harmful effects of ragging and promote a united stand against it among the student body.