Enforce Complete Ban on Firecrackers in Urban Areas of Bihar for Diwali and Chhath Festivals: State Pollution Control Board


PATNA: The longstanding tradition of illuminating lamps and igniting firecrackers during Diwali and Chhath is experiencing a noteworthy transformation. In contemporary times, firecrackers are infused with various chemicals and heavy metals to amplify their visual allure.

The detonation of these chemically-laden firecrackers releases toxic particulate matter into the environment, posing a substantial threat to both nature and human health.

In response to these concerns and in accordance with a directive from the National Green Tribunal, the Bihar State Pollution Control Board has taken a decisive step. They have directed district officials in urban areas, including Patna, Gaya, Muzaffarpur, and Hajipur, to enforce a complete ban on the use of all types of firecrackers during Diwali and Chhath.

However, in other cities across the state, the use of eco-friendly, green firecrackers remains permissible.