Historic Day in Patna Hospitals as Many Child Deliveries Coincide with Ayodhya Pran Pratishtha

Ram Lalla

Patna: Vibrant celebrations echoed in Patna hospitals today as the much-anticipated Ayodhya Pran Pratishtha ceremony resonated with childbirths. Over 250 deliveries took place across Patna today, encompassing both government and private hospitals. Grateful mothers, after giving birth, express their thanks to the divine and the medical staff, considering their years of prayers fulfilled with the auspicious arrival of Ram in their homes.

It’s not just Hindu women; several Muslim women also chose today for their child’s birth. Those with due dates around January 22 scheduled their deliveries on this day. Today’s significance is marked not only by religious diversity but also by unity in the shared joy of childbirth.

Gynaecologist Dr Sarika Rai, whose hospital witnessed 40 deliveries today, stated that it was a momentous occasion where everyone, regardless of religion, caste, or creed, fulfilled their responsibilities responsibly. Of the delivered babies, 21 are boys, and 19 are girls. Dr Sarika Rai emphasized that the day was celebrated like a festival, with every individual donning saffron colours, expressing their devotion to Ram Lila.

The hospital also saw the involvement of Muslim women, reaffirming the unity of communities during this joyous occasion. Dr Rai highlighted the collaborative spirit and sense of responsibility displayed by both Hindu and Muslim women during the deliveries.

Dr. Anupama Sharma and Dr. Laxmi Jha facilitated more than 20 deliveries in their clinic. While most cases were pre-delivery, the remarkable aspect was a pregnant woman who expressed her desire for an auspicious delivery two days earlier than her due date, in line with the Ayodhya Pran Pratishtha.

The atmosphere in the hospitals was filled with happiness and gratitude as women thanked the divine for the fulfilment of their prayers. This unique confluence of childbirth and Ayodhya Pran Pratishtha has created an indelible mark on the hearts of families in Patna, making it a day to cherish and celebrate for years to come.