Protest Erupts as Anganwadi Workers Clash with Police at Bihar Assembly

Protest Erupts as Anganwadi Workers Clash with Police at Bihar Assembly

Patna: Tensions flared in Patna as Anganwadi workers, demanding recognition and fair compensation, clashed with the police outside the Bihar Assembly on Tuesday morning. The situation escalated when law enforcement deployed water cannons to disperse the protesters, resulting in injuries to several women involved in the demonstration.

The Anganwadi workers had congregated outside the assembly building, seeking honorarium and the coveted status of government employees. They voiced their discontent over Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav’s alleged failure to fulfill his election promise of doubling their honorarium once the government took office.

Protest Erupts as Anganwadi Workers Clash with Police at Bihar Assembly

One Anganwadi worker expressed the frustration and determination of the group, saying, “Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav repeatedly promised during the elections that, once in power, the honorarium for all Anganwadi workers and assistants in Bihar would be doubled. However, this commitment remains unfulfilled since the government’s formation.”

With resolute determination, the worker added, “We have prepared ourselves to engage in a rigorous battle to advocate for our rights. We will not be swayed by empty promises any longer and will continue our protests until our demands are acknowledged.”

The clash between Anganwadi workers and the police unfolded on the second day of the winter session of the Bihar Legislature, which is scheduled to run from November 6 to 10. Strict security measures have been imposed within the Legislature complex, permitting entry only with an official pass and forbidding any form of protest on the premises.