State-Level Road Safety Awareness Campaign Launched in Patna

State-Level Road Safety Awareness Campaign Launched in Patna

Patna: In a concerted effort to address road safety concerns, Bihar Road Safety Council, transport department spearheaded the Road Safety Awareness Campaign-24 program on Monday at Patna. The event, inaugurated by Transport Minister, Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, emphasized the critical need for enhanced road safety measures across the state.

Before the inauguration ceremony commenced, guests were welcomed on stage with a symbolic gesture of safety as they were presented with helmets by the transport secretary.

Minister Chaudhary commended the transport department for orchestrating the timely and pertinent program. He stressed that road safety has become an indispensable aspect of contemporary life and advocated for the integration of road safety expectations, rules, and instructions into daily habits to mitigate accidents. Collaborative efforts among the transport, police, road departments, and other stakeholders were highlighted as instrumental in reducing road accidents and fatalities.

Additional Chief Secretary of the Home Department, S Siddharth, underscored the pervasive impact of traffic-related issues across all demographics. He emphasized that more deaths result from traffic rule violations than from diseases, emphasizing the imperative for stricter enforcement and automation of traffic systems to improve compliance.

Transport Secretary Aggarwal outlined the objectives of the Road Safety Campaign-2024, emphasizing the need to cultivate public sensitivity towards road safety issues. He emphasized that a significant proportion of road accidents in the state stem from human error, particularly from speeding, posing a challenge amid the expanding road network. Aggarwal urged officials to rigorously enforce traffic regulations, stressing the mandatory use of helmets for two-wheeler riders.

Highlighting statistical insights, Aggarwal noted a marginal 2 percent increase in road accidents in 2023 compared to the previous year, a contrast to the significant upsurge observed in 2022. Efforts to curb over-speeding on national highways were also discussed, with plans underway to deploy 56 interceptor cum highway patrolling vehicles equipped with modern technology.

During the program, participants took an oath to promote a culture of clean, healthy, and safe roads by adhering to traffic regulations and assisting accident victims. Exceptional contributions to road safety awareness during Road Safety Month-2024 were recognized, with Transport Secretary Aggarwal presenting honors to individuals and organizations, including doctors, Good Samaritans, and law enforcement personnel, for their exemplary service and humanitarian efforts.

Prominent figures such as Vice Chairman of Bihar State Disaster Management Authority U K Mishra and State Transport Commissioner Vishal Raj were among the dignitaries present at the event, underscoring the collaborative commitment to enhancing road safety initiatives across Bihar.